“An amazing experience in all ways. The level of training was exceptional and far surpassed my expectations. Gerry’s wealth of experience and knowledge in yoga and therapeutic practices meant we were always supported in developing our yoga skills and teaching abilities in a supported and inspiring way... The town itself is magical and surrounded by beautiful valleys. The swallows and the sunrise welcomed each day. A truley wonderful experience. It was hard to leave!”



Hatha Yoga, Yoga Therapy Teacher Training

(please contact us for details)

Hatha Yoga - Yoga Therapy Teacher Training : with Nadia al Huqail

Total Course Hours : 200

The Hatha Yoga taught at SYM is based on the Iyengar and Sivananda Yoga teaching methods, with a focus on steadiness in the posture and relaxation. There is an emphasis on flow in the Sun Salutation only.

Asana practice includes the exploration of the Chakras and the Chinese acupuncture meridians with an emphasis on their profound healing properties. This can only be felt by holding the poses and focusing on the internal flow of prone or energy. The course include’s Pranayama, Restorative or Therapeutic Asana, Relaxation (Savasana), Meditation, Nutrition, Yoga Philosophy and Psychology, Bodywork and Chakra Balancing. Sequences taught are designed to improve both strength and flexibility as well as bring awareness to the flow of subtle energy through the body.

This Hatha Yoga Teacher Training reflects an energetic and therapeutic approach in line with the instructors' wide ranging 35 years experience which includes Iyengar and Sivananda Yoga, Japanese Meridian Stretching, 30 years experience as a professional Shiatsu Therapist and Teacher as well as 16 years as a Martial Arts Instructor.

The course emphasises teaching from beginner to intermediary levels. It therefore concentrates on safety, the use of props, correct breathing and alignment, restorative asana, relaxation and meditation as well as more dynamic and strong asanas to improve strength, endurance and will power. Fundamentally students are encouraged to feel the energy flow in each posture to get the maximum understanding and benefit from their practice.  

Students need to respect their own limitations and are not expected to exercise beyond their own physical capacities. However all students should be in general good health both physically and emotionally, in order to complete this course with the focus and dedication it requires.


This program will enable future graduates to teach with confidence. The sequences taught are designed to provide an excellent foundation to all the basic poses, to teach avoiding any injury and where necessary adapt poses and sequences for differing physical levels and needs. Emphasis is on getting Prana (energy) to flow while doing the poses, to understand their therapeutic benefits and for each person to practice with enjoyment, proper breathing, correct alignment and sincerity; ultimately harmonising mind, body and energy.

The spiritual notions of yoga can also be found in other philosophical /spiritual traditions such as Buddhism or the Western traditions. This will be looked at more closely in the yoga philosophy classes.


ASANA practice is based on the Iyengar and Sivananda Yoga methods, with a focus on flow (in sun salutation), steadiness (in holding the poses), alignment and recuperative poses (reclining postures and relaxation). Asana practise also includes the exploration of the Chakras and the Chinese acupuncture meridian stretches.  

PRANAYAMA are breathing exercises to stimulate the diaphragm, vitalise the body-mind and regulate the flow of energy throughout the system. Good breathing is fundamental for a healthy organism to flourish and recuperate from any ailment.

YOGA PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY is concerned with the fundamental questions of: Who we are; Where we come from and where we are going. It is a philosophy which has a universal appeal and one can easily find parallels in other cultures such as ancient Greece, and Europe, Egypt or China. Theory classes reflect Gerry’s passion for the subjects covered.

RELAXATION Physical, emotional and mental relaxation are essential to recover from stress, fatigue, anxiety and disease. Through deep relaxation we can truly let go and begin the journey towards health and wholeness.

MEDITATION is an essential tool for calming the mind and creating stillness and peace within. Meditation facilitates a deeper dialogue with the self as it necessitates concentration and going inwards. SYM offers both guided and non-guided meditation sessions on its courses.

BODY WORK The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training includes some basic shiatsu body work, which students can take home to practise on friends and family.

YOGIC NUTRITION Good digestion is essential for health and also leads to more balanced emotions, better concentration and better meditation. Yogic nutrition is based on eating healthy, nutritious foods to build a strong body and mind. SYM provides delicious, wholesome, vegetarian and vegan meals cooked in house by our Chef. 


This course is divided into 160 contact hours with a teacher and 40 hours of individual and/or group study.

 Yoga Asanas

Basic routine, postures and variations, sun salutation, relaxation, abdominal breathing; full yogic breath, two pranayama techniques, recuperative and advanced postures, meditation.

 The Yoga practise is based on the Iyengar and Sivananda Yoga methods while also drawing from other traditions and styles. Practice is a combination of flow, steady poses and recuperative postures.

 Practice and Teaching

Beginners and intermediary classes for all levels and ages, in depth asana practice and variations (touches on classes for: the elderly, children and yoga for pregnancy).

Teaching techniques: Guiding, coaching, leading, use of language and communication, use of props, hands-on assisting, finding your personal teaching style, designing classes for mixed levels, teaching new postures in-depth, assessing individual needs, ethics and safety guidelines.

The course also includes discussion on teaching yoga as a business including self employment, safety, legal requirements and marketing.

 Anatomy, Physiology

  • Basic anatomy and physiology; including: the spine, respiration,  circulation,  digestion, elimination; hormonal, nervous, urinary and immune systems.

  • Physiological and energetic effects of asanas, pranayama, meditation and relaxation.

  • Benefits and contraindications for all asanas (poses).

  • Effects of structural and postural alignment on health and wellbeing.

  • Stress and stress management

  • Principles of diet and nutrition.

Philosophy, Psychology, Lifestyle, Energetics and Ethics

  • The five points of yoga.

  • The 4 paths of yoga

  • The 8 Limbs of yoga

  • The Gunas

  • The 5 koshas

  • The 4 elements and the akasha

  • Prana (Qi); concept of energy, the Nadis and Chinese Acupuncture Meridians

  • The Chakras (energy centres).

  • The bandhas.

  • Karma and reincarnation.

  • Teacher student relationship.

  • Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita

  • The Yugas.

  • Mantras

  • Principles and benefits of meditation

  • Ethics for yoga teachers.

 Karma Yoga (non-contact hours

Karma Yoga is a fundamental tenant of Yoga and means selfless service. Students are expected to participate in some of the daily chores as part of this service. This is approximately 30 minutes per day.

 Homework and Group Study: (non-contact hours)


08:30 - 10:30 Pranayama, Asanas, Meditation, Relaxation (main asana class)

10:30 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 13:00 Philosophy, Ethics, Bodywork / Astrology or Tai Chi

13:00 - 15:00 Lunch Break and individual study time

15:00 - 16:30 Yoga Theory, Yoga Psychology,Philosophy, Anatomy and Physiology

17:00 - 18:30 Detailed Asana breakdown, Recuperative and Therapeutic Yoga, Teaching & Practicum

Dinner / Free Time / Study Time

The Daily Schedule may change slightly depending on course, season or location !!


3 - 22 August 2024 : Yoga Teacher Training (Hatha, Vinyasa, Yoga Therapy); Spartan Yoga Shala

Costs : € 1800 (course only) / in Twin Room € 2100 / Single Room € 2500

Course fees include tuition, course manual and textbook,(accommodation in dormitory or students can rent their own airbnb or hotel in town), pick up (and drop off) Sparta Bus Station and Yoga Alliance International certification.

Please note times may change slightly due to season and location. Students have one free day per week.

We advise students not to eat any breakfast before the morning asana class but there is time for snacks in the morning break.

Make sure you bring swim wear as you will have enough free time each day to enjoy the beach.

 Shiatsu / Massage Therapy

In addition to the healing modalities explored in the course, students have the opportunity to arrange private treatments with Gerry, a certified therapist in shiatsu and Chinese medicine or massage therapy with Mario. These can be arranged at an additional cost during the course.

 Dress Code

Please wear comfortable plain white, yellow or blue clothes, no logos. We like to encourage students to wear positive happy colours which facilitate learning and energy work. Colour therapy and its association with the chakras will be discussed further during the course.


Trainees should attend a minimum of 90% of the course. Should trainees miss more than this minimum they will need to agree with the teacher which modules to re-take. SYM reserves the right to charge additional fees for these catch up modules. 


This course is fully accredited by Yoga Alliance International. Our graduates are able to register on the Yoga Alliance International and International Yoga Federation database upon completion of the course and will receive YAI and SYM certification enabling future graduates to teach internationally.


2 years or 100 Hours minimum practise required. Successful applicants should also be in general good health both physically and emotionally, in order to complete this course with the focus and dedication it requires. Individuals who do not meet these minimum requirements may still apply for a place and their applications will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

 Course Teachers: please check TEAM page

Spartan Yoga Shala, Sparta : GREECE

3 - 24 August 2024

Course fees include tuition, course manual and textbook, pick up (and drop off) Sparta Bus Station and Yoga Alliance International certification.

A Highly professional training in a stunning environment. High quality training, demanding but respectful , high quality food , stunning beauty of the countryside, perfect timing , very good logistics. My study with SYM was more than a training course!
— Cécile Lapiee, Belgium

SYM has met the strict requirements of Yoga Alliance International, showing that SYM courses are of exceptional quality and that upon graduation students receive the Yoga Alliance International membership and certification.